To get PAID speaking gigs, you have to know which companies will hire you. Enter to win the grand prize that includes…
- The top 500 revenue earning companies that host conferences and need speakers!
- The “top 100 best companies to work for” that hire speakers!
- Email templates and phone scripts to get booked for paid speaking gigs!
By entering, EVERYONE will get…
- The top 100 revenue earning companies that host conferences and hire speakers!
- The 8 “must-haves” to get booked for paid speaking gigs!
Tiamo De Vettori has spoken in front of over 100,000 people on 250+ stages at conferences and seminars. He has appeared on FOX, CBS, and NBC, and as Founder/CEO of Fearless Speaker Academy, leads his own training seminars for aspiring speakers.
The “Done4You Giveaway” runs from Monday, September 9, 2019 through Monday, September 30, 2019, ending at midnight EASTERN.
Contributors will draw winners and notify them by email on October 1, 2019. Raffle winners have 30 days to redeem their prize, unless otherwise notified by contributors.
All “Done4You Giveaway” contributors are independent business owners, and are operating with, but SEPARATELY from the “Done4You Giveaway” promotion.