Live Speaker Training Seminar

For Emerging Speakers Who Want to Be an Inspiration From Stage, Make an Impact, and Get Booked at Live Conferences...

Testimonials & Event Highlights

Have You Reached a Point with Your Speaking Where…

  • You know you’re meant to share your message with the world, but your secret fears, doubts, and insecurities keep holding you back?
  • You’re tired of being unclear and indecisive about your niche audience, your message, and your mission?
  • You’ve received speaking tips, but you don’t know how to actually create a powerful speech that will rock your audience and get you booked on paid stages?
  • You know you need a “signature story”, but you don’t know if you have one or how tell it in a way that captivates audiences?
  • Even though there are way more speaking gigs than there are speakers, you don’t know WHO to contact or HOW to get booked?
  • You’re doing a lot of free speeches, but no one wants to actually PAY you for it?
  • You want to lead live workshops, but you feel overwhelmed about taking the next steps from beginning to end?
  • You wish you had the confidence and certainty about your worth, your value, and what to charge?

Maybe it's Even Gotten to the Point Where...

  • You watch mediocre speakers talk on big stages and you’re tired or even secretly jealous of being a best kept secret in the industry?
  • You have no idea where to begin, how to get in front of audiences, and it's just easier to keep ignoring it?
  • You feel stuck because you’re pulled in so many different directions?
  • You’re tired of your uninspiring day job, balancing it with your “mission-in-the-works” and you’ve concluded that speaking will never make as much or more than your day job does?

  • You’re convinced that the only people who can make good money with speaking are the ones who have been doing it for years?
  • You worry about freezing on stage, forgetting your talk, or people thinking that you’re a bad speaker?
  • You compare yourself to other speakers and feel small because you don't have the same confidence and charisma that they have to take your speaking to the next level?

Honestly, I used to experience ALL of these, but I went from…

Not knowing my message, being frozen in fear, having no following, and not being able to even speak on FREE stages to…

  • Speaking with absolute clarity and confidence in front of audiences of up to 15,000 people!
  • Leading my own sold-out multi-6-figure weekend workshops!
  • Prospering with my purpose!

But Before I Was Doing That For a Living, I Was Doing THIS...

That “Liger” in the picture was ME, back when…

I was broke, working 3 part-time jobs (including being a mascot for $8 per hour) and feeling more lost than ever. I yearned to speak on stages and inspire people, but the sad thing is…

I was literally hiding behind a liger suit. So my question to YOU is…

Are You Tired of Hiding Your Gift and Your Voice From the World?


  • You no longer had to compromise yourself for your speaking dream?
  • You no longer felt stuck in fear, doubt, and insecurity about speaking?
  • You no longer felt unfulfilled, small, jealous, drained, exhausted, resentful, embarrassed, or even shameful about not getting your message out there?
  • You no longer had to hustle, grind, or chase people down to get booked on stages while having nothing to show for it?


A step-by-step formula out there that was totally new and you could flow freely toward your dream of speaking with unshakable confidence and clarity while making much more than your day job?


  • Share your message with the world in a BIG way!
  • Speak your truth from a place of inner peace, presence, and power!
  • Shine your light in a way you’ve never, ever felt before!
  • Touch thousands of lives as you live the purpose you were meant for on this planet!
  • Make the kind of prosperous income that you’re TRULY worth!
  • Do what you love for a living, share your gift, and LIVE your brilliance!

ALL of this without needing to be have a list of thousands of followers! I started out speaking when NOBODY knew who I was. But even as small and unknown as I was…

I found my voice, people wanted to hear it, and I got booked...over and over again! Now, I want the same freedom and empowerment for you!


I could mentor you, in-person, over the course of 3 days and share all the ways that this can work for you and your speaking career!


I’m inviting you to join me in beautiful San Diego, California for a 3 day live training intensive (date TBA)! During these transformational 3 days, you will…

  • Get personal coaching and mentoring from me about your speaking business and how to launch you NOW!
  • Know how to create your very own “Stand Out Story” so that people book you, just to hear your story!
  • Be crystal clear about your audience, your message, and your mission…putting an END to niche indecision forever!
  • Discover my biggest secrets on how you can make $350,000 in ONE weekend like I did leading your own live workshop!
  • Hear insider insights directly from my panel of event planners and seminar leaders who book speakers for their events and meet them in person!
  • Learn about the New Model of Speaking and how to create your own speech outline so it's current, poweful, and what companies are looking for today!
  • Find out how to get repeat bookings (and the secret to why one company booked me over 30 TIMES for their live events)!
  • Learn how to deeply connect with your audience, gain their trust, and win their hearts!
  • Discover how you can break into the corporate market and make 6-figures in an industry that spent 122 BILLION last year on live events!
  • Get access to my “low hanging fruit” secrets: The easiest stages to get booked on with the least amount of speaking experience!
  • Find out how to “Un-memorize Your Speech” so that you never worry about forgetting your speech again!
  • Know WHO to contact, WHAT to say, and HOW to get booked for high-paying speeches! There are way more speaking gigs than speakers. It’s time they know about YOU!
  • Meet JV partners and other speakers for guest speaking opportunties during my "Speaker Success Marketplace" networking event!

With All of These Done-For-You Tools, Action Plans, and Liberating Discoveries, the Greatest Discovery of Them All Will Be...


  • Have the knowledge you need to realistically map out exactly HOW and WHEN you’re going to walk out of your day job to speak full-time! I call this your “Freedom Day”!
  • Be empowered as a speaker, leader, and someone who inspires others to live their dream!
  • Be highly recognized using the simple method I use to get corporate sponsors behind your speaking!
  • Breakthrough your biggest fears, insecurities, doubts, and limiting beliefs that have held you down without you knowing it! I will walk you through a powerful exercise that I’ve used to overcome my deepest and darkest fears!
  • Feel re-invigorated, re-energized, confident, and on fire about your speaking dream because you now have a clear, proven, and personalized plan of action!

Tiamo De Vettori speaking at Christian Mickelsen's Event

  • Go from free speaking gigs to PAID speaking gigs and make great career income!
  • Be a part of my intimate community where you will not only have support from me for 3 days, but you will get to connect with other speakers (and maybe speak on each others stages)!

Hear What Everyone is Saying About This Event...

Mamoon Yusaf
Transformational Coach & Thought Leader

"Tiamo showed my exactly how to structure my live event, fill the room, and what to do and say for the entire 3 days. I used his templates, followed his step-by-step advice, and out of 29 people at my event, 17 people joined my year long mastermind and I made $72,000 in JUST 3 DAYS!!

I felt like a rockstar and I can guarantee this wouldn't have been possible without Tiamo. I just couldn’t believe how powerful Tiamo’s stuff is!! My advice is, listen to everything Tiamo teaches and just implement it! If you get a chance to work with Tiamo, you’d be crazy not to. Out of everyone I’ve seen that teaches personal development and speaker success secrets, this is by far the most powerful!"


David Brownlee
CEO & Founder - The Brownlee Group

"Tiamo's training is absolutely phenomenal!! I have a lot of experience speaking in front of the room, but Tiamo has some tips that nobody else is talking about that are going to get you results! As a result of what I've learned from Tiamo, I'm doing a lot of corporate events and my own seminars where I made $27,000 at my last one!"


Clinton Young
College Speaker/Sales Trainer

"There's nobody better than Tiamo to help you become a fearless speaker...making more money from stage, having more confidence, and getting more gigs!"


Diana Long
Coaching,Training and Consulting for Women Entrepreneurs

"Tiamo's Fearless Speaker training brought me so much clarity over a span of days! I've been a full-time coach, mentor, and speaker for the last 15 years, but through Tiamo's work, I'm elevating my speaking and coaching career to the next level!

With Tiamo's coaching, he showed me how to lead my first live 3 day event, with 22 people attending, 9 joined my year-long mastermind and I made $50,000 in a weekend!!
Now, I can see how I can increase my impact and grow beyond my current 6-figure income!

Thank you Tiamo, for not only walking the path, but helping me to create mine that feels even more purposeful and prosperous than ever before!"


Nancy Jutton
Get Known Get Paid Mentor and Business Building Expert

"Since my breakthrough with Tiamo, I’ve been invited to speak and give my new talk 43 TIMES this year!

Tiamo encouraged me to walk away from the script, be myself more, and let my stories and genuine heart show. Then, I tried it out on stage and oh my gosh, what a revelation! It was so much more fun, fruitful, and rewarding!

The kind of breakthroughs that Tiamo guides his students and speakers to achieve are so powerful!"


Colleen Chanel
Illuminating Transformational Global Speaker/Performer

"Tiamo's real life expertise and detailed training has given me the confidence on how to get booked with my gifts and to implement an action plan that makes my speaker success inevitable. This training is unlike any other I have ever seen for emerging and veteran speakers!

Thank you Tiamo, with all my heart, for generously empowering me to FEEL my life changing value and giving me the insight, the clarity, and most of all, the uplifting support my heart has been yearning for to breakthrough onto a higher global platform!"


Tiamo De Vettori on Lisa Sasevich's stage

You'll Never Know What Could Be Unless You Come

Tiamo's Keynote for San Diego County Employees

Maybe you’re wondering if what you receive is worth your investment.

What would it be worth to you to...

  • Stop wasting weeks, months, years, and maybe even decades going nowhere and doing the SAME thing with your speaking (or lack of speaking), yet expecting different results.
  • Earn much more income with your speaking than your day job! Imagine the freedom, creativity, and money that this will give you to do what you love!
  • Have much more time to devote to your speaking business rather than constantly putting it off for other things in your life that don't light you up inside.
  • Become so clear on how you move forward with your speaking, that you confidently begin attracting new high-paying gigs, new clients, and new followers!
  • Fulfill your mission and purpose in a way that feels so right to you!
  • FINALLY live the lifestyle you have dreamed about for years – balancing your personal life (and all the things that really matter to you) with the joy you get from speaking and most of all, loving the process!

Tiamo De Vettori speaking on Lisa Cherney's Stage

And here’s the easiest, no-brainer reason for
joining me in San Diego...

If you absorb my personal training and implement JUST ONE of the ideas out of the 3 DAYS WORTH that I will be pouring on, you will have covered your investment and SO MUCH MORE! We’re talking about a LIFETIME of success, income, and prosperity with your speaking in ways that you never imagined possible!

The difference between speakers who are successful and speakers who wish they were is not about talent.


So Are You Ready to Show Up?

Fearless Speaker Emergence

I understand that when I get my ticket to
“Fearless Speaker Emergence” I will receive…

  • Full 3 day program in San Diego, CA (date TBA) with Tiamo De Vettori along with all the tools and resources I’ll need to come back home and crush it with my speaking! $1,997 VALUE!
  • Personal training and mentoring from Tiamo himself! There will be plenty of time to ask questions and get coached right there! PRICELESS!
  • The opportunity to bring a friend for ONLY $47 while available! $1,997 VALUE!
  • Plenty of opportunities to meet, network, connect, and joint venture with other speakers!

You’re Protected By My “I Love This Training” Guarantee!

I’m confident that when you arrive at Fearless Speaker Emergence, you will be thrilled! I’ll even give you until 9 am on Day 2 to decide if it’s right for you…in your heart. And if it’s not, we will give you a full 100% refund! I know that if you follow the steps and do the work, this event WILL prove to be life-transforming for you and your speaking business!

Join me in San Diego (date TBA)!! The event starts in...

Order Now Before Event Registration Closes!

One time investment of $1,997 $197

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