How to Master Your Message, Be an Inspiration on Stage, Make an Impact, & Take Home a Multi 6-Figure Income...

If You Have a Message or a Deeper Purpose Inside You To...

  • Speak on live event stages (keynotes, seminars, workshops)
  • Lead your own highly lucrative workshops
  • Speak on virtual stages (webinars, teleseminars, telesummits)

The Dark Truth Is...

Self-sabotage (dressed up as indecision and procrastination) to AVOID speaking is the biggest killer in growing your message driven business and why most speakers never do.

This is Called "Drifting" Where...

You have every intention of getting your message out there, but slowly over time, you drift further and further away from it…until it’s gone.

Is THIS Becoming YOU?

Change is Just a Decision Away

Imagine…as quickly as today, you could emerge from underneath your limiting beliefs about speaking, get your message out to thousands of people, speak with absolute confidence, clarity, and certainty, and become a highly paid speaker in ways you never experienced until NOW!

 NO MORE wishing that your deepest fears, doubts, or insecurities around speaking would stop over-shadowing your purpose and the light inside you could finally get out!

NO MORE needy wishing that if you just made enough “speaker friends” that maybe a few of them would book you on their stages.

NO MORE wishing that you didn’t have to keep doing free speeches that “aren’t you” in order to get booked for the paid speeches that ARE you down the road.

NO MORE wishing that other speakers would finally start seeing you as “one of them”.

NO MORE wishing that people would finally take you seriously and look up to you as an expert and a leader.

NO MORE empty wishing that you could get paid what you’re TRULY worth.

NO MORE wondering when you’re finally going to get out there and step into the spotlight.

So Are You Ready...

To get out of the struggle once and for all and take the next step?

My accelerated training program “FEARLESS SPEAKER FORMULA” is exactly what you need to launch your speaker dream today! You will have everything you need to take your passion for speaking and turn it into a lucrative career (not a hobby or a side business)!

Fellow Speakers, Coaches, and Impactpreneurs…

Does ANY Of This Sound Familiar To You?

You still feel lost or indecisive about your niche audience, your message, and your mission?

You feel stuck and pulled in so many different directions that you don't know what to focus on first with your speaking?

You're frustrated with taking "baby steps" for years, but no big leaps forward with speaking?.

You're tired of doing a lot of free speeches when no one seems to want to actually PAY you for it?

You worry that if you get up in front of a captive audience, you might forget your talk, freeze on stage, or let yourself and others down?

You secretly question your value, compare yourself to other speakers, and wonder if people would truly want to hear your message?

Maybe It's Even Gotten to the Point Where...

   You feel like you don't have enough money or resources to grow your speaking business.

You feel that you don't have the time or energy to dedicate to your speaking after putting in a 40 hour work week.

You feel trapped in your day job while your dream keeps slipping further and further away.

You feel like you don't have the connections you need to grow your speaking business.

You feel overlooked and that your speaking doesn't get the kind of recognition it deserves.

You feel like you're just not made to sit in a stuffy cubicle or office working in front of a computer all day...day after day.

You feel tired of speaking in front of tiny audiences.

You feel like you don't have the confidence or networking skills to make great contacts and get quality speaking gigs.

You feel alone on your speaking journey.


Then I’d like to invite you to step into your purpose and start LIVING your dream right NOW! Imagine having the key to a successful speaking career right in your hands. This isn’t just about hopes and dreams anymore because…

I have a program that will take you step-by-step, as if I am right there beside you, that will inform you, enlighten you, and transform your inner and outer world as a speaker!

As a "self-proclaimed speaker" who couldn’t even get booked on FREE stages for years, I found a secret success formula that…

Created a massive shift in my confidence and my results! After speaking on over 250 stages for audiences of up to 15,000 people and leading my own live workshops making $241,000 in ONE weekend, I'm now...

Laying it ALL out for YOU so you can easily duplicate my success! If someone had showed me this years ago, it would have saved me 15 YEARS OF… 

  • Struggle
  • Heart-ache
  • Speaking to nearly empty rooms
  • Thousands of dollars lost

Tiamo with Lisa Sasevich

But You Don't Have to Worry About All That Because...

You will discover exactly how I’ve earned more money in just ONE WEEKEND with speaking than I used to make in 6 YEARS at my old university job! Plus…  

I will walk you through the EXACT same process that works so successfully for me, over and over again, so YOU can have the same kind of success!

But It's Deeper Than That...

To have this kind of success as a speaker, I had to conquer my most irrational fears, doubts, and insecurities. But WHILE I was doing that, I consistently implemented what my speaking mentors told me to do. And now…

I LOVE to empower people to live their dream! Why? Because my passion is to help others break away from the day to day grind of a job (or the “machine” as I call it) and embrace success doing what they love, what they are meant to be doing, what makes them come alive! Put simply, I get chills when I see you shine!

Here's What I Used to Do...

I used to drive an hour each way to my day job, then in the evening, I would work on my dream until midnight, go to bed, and then get up and do it all over again. I was putting in long hard hours everyday and running on empty. After years of doing that, I felt like giving up. But the WORST part came when…

They Asked Me to Work Late and Come in on Weekends 🙁

Now, I didn’t even have my evenings or weekends to work on getting my message out to the world! But as trapped as I felt….

The speaker inside me wanted to come out like a lion and roar my message! Rather than keep playing small and telling everyone my sad story about why I couldn’t make it as a speaker…  

I decided to re-invent myself and do things my own unique way! That’s when I truly overcame my fears and figured out my secret to speaking. After getting rapid results on my new path, I quit my day job to pursue my dream FULL-TIME!

And the Most Ironic Thing is...

One month after leaving my university job, they hired me as their keynote speaker and I earned MORE IN ONE HOUR than my entire last month at my previous job! This is why…

I would love to share with you exactly HOW I was able to do this so that you can have your “Freedom Day” too!

Now Imagine You...

Getting up in the morning, enjoying a nice work out (while everyone else is making that grueling commute to work), having a leisurely breakfast, then you begin “working” on your daily passion.  

A couple of hours later, you go to meet a prospective speaking client for lunch. After a long lunch and contract in hand, you are able to make it back home before rush hour traffic even begins. What to do with the rest of your day? 

YOU decide because you have the leverage and the freedom now!

Hear What Everyone is Saying About This Program...

"Tiamo showed my exactly how to structure my live event, fill the room, and what to do and say for the entire 3 days. I used his templates, followed his step-by-step advice, and out of 29 people at my event, 17 people joined my year long mastermind and I made $72,000 in JUST 3 DAYS!!

I felt like a rockstar and I can guarantee this wouldn't have been possible without Tiamo. I just couldn’t believe how powerful Tiamo’s stuff is!! My advice is, listen to everything Tiamo teaches and just implement it! If you get a chance to work with Tiamo, you’d be crazy not to. Out of everyone I’ve seen that teaches personal development and speaker success secrets, this is by far the most powerful!"


Mamoon Yusaf
Mamoon Yusaf Transformational Coach & Thought Leader

"Tiamo's training is absolutely phenomenal!! I have a lot of experience speaking in front of the room, but Tiamo has some tips that nobody else is talking about that are going to get you results! As a result of what I've learned from Tiamo, I'm doing a lot of corporate events and my own seminars where I made $27,000 at my last one!"


David Brownlee
David Brownlee CEO & Founder - The Brownlee Group

"There's nobody better than Tiamo to help you become a fearless speaker...making more money from stage, having more confidence, and getting more gigs!"


Clinton Young
Clinton Young College Speaker/Sales Trainer

"Tiamo's training has brought me more clarity over a span of days! I've been a full-time coach, mentor, and speaker for the last 15 years, but through Tiamo's work, I'm elevating my speaking and coaching career to the next level!

With Tiamo's coaching, he showed me how to lead my first live 3 day event, with 22 people attending, 9 joined my year-long mastermind and I made $50,000 in a weekend!! Now, I can see how I can increase my impact and grow beyond my current 6-figure income!

Thank you Tiamo, for not only walking the path, but helping me to create mine that feels more purposeful and prosperous than ever!"


Diana Long
Diana Long Coaching,Training and Consulting for Women Entrepreneurs

"Since my breakthrough with Tiamo, I’ve been invited to speak and give my new talk 43 TIMES this year!

Tiamo encouraged me to walk away from the script, be myself more, and let my stories and genuine heart show. Then, I tried it out on stage and oh my gosh, what a revelation! It was so much more fun, fruitful, and rewarding!

The kind of breakthroughs that Tiamo guides his students and speakers to achieve are so powerful!"


Nancy Juetten
Nancy Juetten Get Known Get Paid Mentor and Business Building Expert

"Tiamo's real life expertise and detailed training has given me the confidence on how to get booked with my gifts and to implement an action plan that makes my speaker success inevitable. This training is unlike any other I have ever seen for emerging and veteran speakers!

Thank you Tiamo, with all my heart, for generously empowering me to FEEL my life changing value and giving me the insight, the clarity, and most of all, the uplifting support my heart has been yearning for to breakthrough onto a higher global platform!"


Colleen Chanel
Colleen Chanel Illuminating Transformational Global Speaker/Performer

Tiamo speaking on Christian Mickelsen's stage


This Program is Designed to Show You Step-By-Step How To…

Dissolve ANY and ALL fears, doubts, and insecurities of speaking on live stages, webinars, and video…forever!

Crush your keynote using my speech template so you have a powerful and ready-made speech that will rock your audience!

Get crystal clear on your audience, your message, and your mission...and finally END niche indecision forever!

Access instant confidence and thought freedom every time you speak!

Know WHO to contact, WHAT to say, and HOW to get booked for 5-figure speeches! There are way more speaking gigs than speakers to fill them. It’s your time to seize the moment!

Transition from free speaking gigs to PAID speaking gigs and make a multi 6-figure income!

Fill your own mastermind from leading just 1 live workshop all year! This is my favorite way of getting a year's worth of coaching clients in a weekend!

Experience the fulfillment and joy from speaking your voice, living your purpose, and making a huge impact!

Have time abundance, lifestyle freedom, and feel alive and invigorated doing what you love!

Tiamo's Live Event "Fearless Speaker Emergence"

I’m Handing Over My Speaker Success Blueprint To You!

Inside this program you will discover…

MODULE 1: How to create your legendary keynote for recurring bookings! (How 1 company has booked me over 30 TIMES for their live events!)

MODULE 2: How to master The Fearless Speaker Mindset!

MODULE 3: How to create your Stand Out Story and master your message!

MODULE 4: How to connect with your audience, win their hearts, and lead your tribe!

MODULE 5: How to get booked and get paid!

MODULE 6: How to lead your own live workshop and fill your mastermind!

MODULE 7: How to make Passive Speaker Income!

PLUS, You’ll Also Discover…

How to get corporate sponsors to pay you and promote you to their customers!

How to “Un-memorize Your Speech" so that you never worry about forgetting your speech!

The 10 Speaker Success Pillars that every professional speaker needs to know!

How to charge what you’re TRULY worth as a speaker!

How I made $241,000 in ONE weekend leading my own live workshop!

My “Low Hanging Fruit” secrets: The easiest stages to get booked on with the least amount of speaking experience!

How to "sell without selling" when making offers from stage!

Tiamo's Keynote for San Diego County Employees

Tiamo Speaking on Lisa Cherney's Stage

When You Order "Fearless Speaker Formula" Today, You Will Also Get These…

5 Incredible Bonuses!

BONUS #1: Live Workshop ($1,997 VALUE)

You will receive a FREE TICKET to my 3-Day Live Workshop "Fearless Speaker Emergence"!

BONUS #2: Event Planner Email Templates and Phone Script ($997 VALUE)

To get booked for paid speaking gigs, you have to contact event planners. Don't know what to say? Use my word-for-word email templates & phone script!

BONUS #3: Template Speaker Contract ($997 VALUE)

Be contract ready so when event planners want to hire you, you’ll be ready to send them your speaker contract the minute they ask for it! You will get my template contract that I use to get booked with corporate clients, colleges, high schools, and seminars!

BONUS #4: "Crush Your Keynote" Speech Template
($497 VALUE)

Use my proven speech outline template so that you’re no longer lost or stuck on how to create your legendary speech!

Bonus #5: Speaker Income Cheat-Sheet ($47 VALUE)

You will get an inside look at how much speakers make on different stages based on experience and types of stages!

From these bonuses alone, you will be getting $4,535 WORTH of coaching, training, and done for you templates for FREE when you order today!!

This is an ALL-IN-ONE program that teaches you how to overcome any and all blocks about speaking, create your message, and get booked in abundant ways! I am really excited to be presenting it to you today, and the BEST PART is my…

You're Protected by my "I Love This Training" Guarantee!

I’m confident that when you get this program, you will be thrilled! I believe in it so much that it comes with a 30-day unconditional happiness guarantee. In other words, If you don’t see how “Fearless Speaker Formula” can make a life-changing impact on your speaking business, let us know within 30 days and we will give you a FULL 100% refund.

Order Now at 50% OFF and get ALL 5 FREE BONUSES for a TOTAL value of $6,532!!

One time investment of $1,997 $997


6 installments of $397 $197 per month

ATTENTION: PayPal is not available for multi pay option

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